Membership - Additional Information

Membership Dues and Charges. The membership dues and charges for participation in membership activities shall be fixed and determined from time to time by the Board of Directors. Such dues and charges shall be assessed to the members in order to obtain sufficient revenue to pay the expenses of operating the Council. For members joining the Council during the year, the dues shall be prorated and shall be at the rate of one-sixth (1/6) of the annual dues for each meeting remaining during the calendar year. Notice of annual dues shall be given by the Secretary to each member in January of each year.  Any member who fails to pay such dues within sixty (60) days shall be deemed to have relinquished their membership in the Council and shall be so advised by the Secretary.

Professional Standards. By applying to be a Member of this Council, an Applicant warrants and represents (i) that he or she is currently duly licensed, in good standing, and qualified to engage in the practice of the profession(s) in the membership group(s) to which the applicant belongs, and (ii) that at all times during the term of membership the applicant will comply with applicable federal, state, and municipal statutes or ordinances, including, without limitation, all licensing requirements and other applicable rules and regulations of agencies regulating the applicant’s profession and applicable ethical standards.

Requirement of Member to Notify Board of any Detrimental Professional Information or Violation of Membership Rules or Policies. During the term of his or her membership, a Member shall notify the Board immediately, or as soon as is possible thereafter, in the event that: (1) The Member’s license to practice his or her profession in any jurisdiction is suspended, revoked, or otherwise restricted; (2) A complaint or report concerning the Member’s competence or conduct is made to any state or federal professional licensing agency or authority; (3) There is a material change in any of the information the Member has provided to the Board concerning the Member’s professional qualifications or credentials; (4) A Member’s conviction of a felony or crime of moral turpitude under state or federal law; (5) A member must also notify the Board within ten (10) days of any failure of the Member to continue to meet the qualifications of membership, or of any material violation by the Member of any rules, policies, and/or procedures of the Council.

Suspension/Termination of Membership. An individual’s membership in this Council may be suspended and/or terminated as follows:

Membership shall be automatically terminated: (1) Upon the resignation in writing of a Member; (2) Upon the failure of a Member to pay dues; (3)  Upon the failure of a Member to continue to meet the qualifications of membership; or (4) Upon the suspension or revocation of a Member’s license to engage in the practice of the profession(s) in the membership group(s) to which the Member belongs.

Membership may be suspended or terminated, at the discretion of the Board: (1) Upon the restriction of the Member’s license to engage in the practice of the profession(s) in the membership group(s) to which the Member belongs; (2) Upon the occurrence of a material change in any of the information the Member has provided to the Board concerning the Member’s professional qualifications or credentials; (3) Upon a Member’s conviction of a felony or crime of moral turpitude under state or federal law; (4) Upon a good faith determination by the Board that a Member has materially violated any rules, policies, and/or procedures of the Council; (5) Upon a good faith determination by the Board that a Member has materially violated applicable federal, state, and municipal statutes or ordinances, including, without limitation, all licensing requirements and other applicable rules and regulations of agencies regulating the member’s profession and applicable ethical standards; or (6) Upon a good faith determination by the Board that a Member has engaged in conduct which is considered by the Board to be unethical, unprofessional, fraudulent, unlawful, or adverse to the interest, reputation, activities, or purposes of the Council. 

Rights of Membership. Members shall have the right to vote as set forth in these bylaws, on the election of directors, on the disposition of substantially all of the organization’s assets, on any merger, and on any election to dissolve.

Management. The management of the affairs of this Council shall be vested in a Board of Directors of at least seven (7) and not more than eleven (11) members.

Term of Directors. Each of the Directors shall serve a term of two (2) years. Any Director who is absent from two or more consecutive regular Board meetings without an excuse approved by the Board may be deemed to have resigned as a Director (and if such Director is also an Officer, such Director may also be deemed to have resigned as an Officer).  Directors shall be nominated by the Directors at the September Annual Meeting of the Board and shall assume such positions upon the final approval of the Members by election held in November.  Directors shall be divided into two (2) groups, with the term for each group expiring every two (2) years in staggered years, so that each year one group's term expires and the other group remains in force..

Qualifications and Election of Directors. The members of the Board shall be members of the Council who are serving in the following positions: the immediate past President, the current President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and, to the greatest extent possible, a Director from each of the Membership Categories set forth in the Bylaws, Section 2.01, and such other Directors as the Board may determine to be appropriate. Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the immediate past President shall be Membership Director each year. The election of such Directors shall be governed by Article Five of these Bylaws. Each Director from the eligible Membership Categories shall be prepared to work directly with the Program Chair, when necessary, to identify, contact, and recruit qualified speakers within their specific profession for the regular membership meetings.

Regular Meetings. The regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held bimonthly at such time as determined by the Board.

Members May Attend Board Meetings. Except as herein provided, all Board meetings shall be open to all members. In the event that the Board unanimously agrees that a matter requires confidentiality, that matter may be considered by the Board in executive session without the presence of any non-Board member.

Compensation and Reimbursement. Directors, officers and members of committees shall serve without compensation for their services as Directors or officers but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of the Council, as the Board may determine by resolution to be just and reasonable as to the Council at the time that the resolution is adopted.